Cricket; Not as Easy as You Think

Many Americans think cricket is an easy sport of course they know so little about it. Let me tell you something about the sport of Cricket; It is Not as Easy as You Think. Americans love baseball, but in the UK and many other nations like India they love cricket and cricket is about both skill and agility and teamwork. In fact there are 11-people on each team. The players must be swift, talented and work together.
Cricket balls have seams similar to baseballs, but the bat is flatter with more area. Cricket is played between teams of the same nation and internationally. Cricket fields are played in an elliptical field unlike that of a baseball diamond. Those who have played both sports say that cricket is more difficult and challenging than baseball, yet in the United States, well baseball is like apple pie and Chevrolets, so it is doubtful if that will ever change. Americans love their baseball indeed.
Cricket is played all around the world, as there are teams in most nations, but in the United States the game has not really caught on like other sports. Cricket matches last a lot longer than baseball games and the cricket teams to stay proficient often train year round. More Americans should learn to play cricket and discover this fun sport.