Pakistan Cricket Team on Top of the World

There was only once in 1999 cricket world cup when Pakistan team was ranked favorites for the ICC multinational tournament. Every other tournament Pakistan had a bumpy ride but some how managed to reach at final and once won it in 1992.
What pleases me as a cricketing fan and especially die hard Pakistan cricket fan is the plan that was executed on 21st June at lords. I wrote an article on 19th June titled "Revolution in Pakistan cricket" in which I talked about the consistency that needs to be brought in the team and they have to act and behave like team.
The body language of Pakistan was outstanding right from the word go and the very first bowl from Muhammad Ammer indicated that Pakistani team definitely came up with the plan. Teasing Dilshan with quick short balls forced him to play a false short. Abdur Razzaq inclusion was superb as he took 3 vital wickets of srilankan top order. The catching and ground fielding was awesome and it showed the thirst of boys to win it this time.
This is what required on a more regular basis. They got themselves together and made strategies, overcome their weaknesses.